Landscapes and still lifes
The great experimental printmaker
one of the most fertile artistic minds of his time, created otherworldly landscapes of astonishing originality. With a unique array of techniques whose identification still puzzles scholars, he etched extraordinary, colorful landscapes and still lifes. Rejecting the idea that prints from a single plate should all look the same in black and white, he produced impressions in varied color schemes—painting them, then adding lines or cutting down the plate. Segers turned each impression of his evocative landscapes into unique miniature paintings that seem out of their time. He was a favorite artist of Rembrandt, who owned eight paintings and one printing plate by Segers.
This exhibition (13.02.2017 - 21.05.2017) is the first to display almost all of Segers's prints in varying impressions alongside a selection of his paintings, and will be the first large selection of his fascinating work to be shown in the United States. (Text: MET New York)
This exhibition (13.02.2017 - 21.05.2017) is the first to display almost all of Segers's prints in varying impressions alongside a selection of his paintings, and will be the first large selection of his fascinating work to be shown in the United States. (Text: MET New York)