BRITISH ART 1861–1967
Featuring works from 1861–1967 relating to
lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ)
identities, the show (05.04.2017 - 01.10.2017) marks the 50th anniversary of the partial
decriminalisation of male homosexuality in England. Queer
British Art explores
how artists expressed themselves in a time when established assumptions about
gender and sexuality were being questioned and transformed.
Deeply personal and intimate works are
presented alongside pieces aimed at a wider public, which helped to forge a
sense of community when modern terminology of ‘lesbian’, ‘gay’, ‘bisexual’ and
‘trans’ were unrecognised. Together, they reveal a remarkable range of
identities and stories, from the playful to the political and from the erotic
to the domestic.
With paintings, drawings, personal
photographs and film from artists such as >> John Singer Sargent * 1856 Florenz † 1925 London
and Dora Carrington, Duncan Grant. the diversity of queer British art is celebrated as never before. (Text: Tate Britain)