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Zimbabwe Meets Italy - National Gallery of Zimbabwe

Marking the Return of the Three Italian Masters The meeting point between Italy and Zimbabwe is unique through a number of Italian Masters donated by Sir Stephen Courtauld, who was the biggest patron of the National Gallery of Zimbabwe. His involvement towards the establishment and construction of this Gallery and his donation of a number of European Masters is a huge contribution. He did this through the first Director of the National Gallery Salisbury, Frank McEwen. Zimbabwe’s relationship with a number of European countries is through some of these masters, hence the saying, “Art brings people together”. It is through these three artworks that Zimbabwe meets Italy.
This exhibition marks the return of the Italian Masters. They draw attention to issues surrounding the history of collections: their acquisition, their place in the era of Colonialism. This raises questions concerning ownership and power. What does this collection tell us and the outside world about the National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe Meets Italy: Marking The Return of the three Italian Masters exhibition seeks to stimulate dialogue of Historical and Contemporary issues of local and global relevance: attitudes and values, prejudice, racism, political repression, poverty, wealth and repatriation. (Text: National Gallery of Zimbabwe)