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Blake, William - Tate Britain

A new look at the visionary printmaker, poet and painter
The most comprehensive survey of William Blake’s work to be held since 2001, William Blake: The Artist will rediscover him as a visual artist for the 21st century. With around 300 works, including his watercolours, paintings and prints, the exhibition will provide a comprehensive overview of Blake’s achievements and ambitions across a range of media. 

>> William Blake 1757 London † 1827 London

is a universal artist – an inspiration to visual artists, musicians, poets and performers worldwide. His personal struggles in a period of political terror and oppression, his technical innovation, his vision and political commitment, have perhaps never been more pertinent. 
The exhibition (11.09.2019 - 02.02.2020) will foreground his relationship with the art world of his time and tell the stories behind some of the most iconic images in the history of British art. It will also create a unique and highly atmospheric space in which to engage with Blake’s work and allow visitors to come as close as possible to seeing his works as he wished them to be seen. (Text: Tate Britain)