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Caland, Huguette - Tate St. Ives

First UK museum solo exhibition
Shifting between figuration and abstraction, large, colourful canvasses and detailed drawings from the 1970s and 1980s will explore the delicate balance between the suggestive and the explicit that Caland created in her work.
After moving to Paris from Beirut in 1970, Caland achieved artistic recognition with her exuberant and erotically charged paintings that challenged traditional conventions of beauty and desire. The female physique is a recurrent motif in her work, often painted like landscapes with voids and mountain-like forms.
Born in Lebanon in 1931, Caland studied art at the American University in Beirut and lived in Paris and California for many years, before returning to Beirut in 2013 (Text: Tate St. Ives)