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O' Conor, Roderic - National Gellery of Ireland

Between Paris and Pont-Aven
This will be the first museum show in over thirty years to focus on the painted and graphic work of the Irish artist Roderic O’Conor . The exhibition (18.07.2018 - 28.10.2018) aims to demonstrate his highly original contribution to the experimentation that revolutionised art in Europe in the late nineteenth century. The artworks – many not previously seen in public – reconstruct the critical phase of O’Conor’s career between 1887 and 1895. This was a period when O’Conor became dissatisfied with Impressionism and Neo-Impressionism and was in direct contact with Paul Gauguin and Theo van Gogh, art dealer and brother of Vincent. By grafting expressive parallel lines or ‘Stripes’ onto his subjects from 1892, O’Conor adapted a feature of Van Gogh’s late landscapes and in turn inspired several of his Pont-Aven colleagues to follow his lead. This exhibition presents a unique opportunity not only to examine the evolution of O’Conor’s signature expressionist style, but also to place his work side-by-side with that of the artists with whom he connected and collaborated, including Van Gogh, Gauguin, Armand Seguin, Robert Befan, and particularly Cuno Amiet. (Text: National Gallery of Ireland)